Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Caramel Custard


sugar 1/4 cup+1/2 cup
milk   2 1/2 cups
eggs   4
vanilla essence 1tsp

Preparation Method

1.Take 1/4 cup of sugar in a thick bottomed pan.Add some water and heat till the sugar caramelises.Should be careful not to burn the mixture as it will lead to a bitter taste.

2. pour the caramel into a mould and let it settle by cooling(2-3min).
Break eggs into a bowl,add sugar and mix.Add vanilla essence and mix.Add 2 1/2 Luke warm milk and mix.strain the mixture.
Add this mixture to the caramel and steam it.I steamed it in my Idli cooker for about 30 min.
If not done steam for another 15 min or so.
(can be baked,or done in pressure cooker)

3.After it cools down completely you can take a knife and remove it from the edges of the mould slowly. Take a plate and invert the mould.Caramel custard is ready to serve.


anudivya said...

This looks so good! And congrats on your new blog! Starting to look good!

Vinod said...

Nice to look at it, but if you had sent in sample to eat, would have been really great

Srivalli said...

Thats so yummy!